Thursday, November 27, 2008

TAGGED lagi...

Gua kena tag lagi ngan adik gua Joann.

First, the rules:

1. List these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
5. Link the person who tagged you.
6. Leave a comment for each blogger.

7 fakta ttg GUA...

  1. Gua seorang yang garang tapi cair gak kalu org tahu 'rahsia' nye...
  2. Mudah kecik ati....
  3. Gua seorang yang romantik...
  4. My current boyfriend is someone's hubby... (Not proud of)
  5. I very slick.... if I really want what I want!!!!
  6. Gua kuat berangan
  7. Best friend one could have...
6 perkara2 yg bizzare... habit about me...

  1. Suke tido... position dlm pelukan...
  2. Suke makan... steak kambing... hari2 pun xpe kot...
  3. Gua malas masak tp suke makan...
  4. Suke bertenet... tapi kebodohan yang amat kalu part2 komputer
  5. Kuat meleter kat rumah
  6. Boros!!!!! Blom tgh bulan dh abis dh duit wawawa...

7 people to be tag:

  • Ainon...
  • Im...
  • Budak...
  • Buddy...
  • Epi...
  • Lina...
  • Naha....

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Weekend baru nie adalah aktiviti yang julung2 kalinye gua sertai... hehehhe... reunion x-teknik tg. puteri kelas PKA2 tahun 1998.... Geng 6 Jahaman... hehehehehe... So here are my bestfriends masa sekolah dlu....
So pada 21hb, Jumaat malam... kami2 org JB.... iaitu Gua, Aka n Oya... gerak ke Klang... Lokasi umah Reena... so sampai around midnight... lepak2 isi perut dlu... rehat2 kan badan... then tido...

Sabtu planning... 1st pick up Puan Saleha di Shah Alam Seksyen 11... ni gambar kat umah Sal...
Then g amik Puan Nieda kat Putrajaya... Ni gambar ngan Shasha Humaiyra... Tapi cian dia kena tinggal kat umah sbb mama dia nk g jalan2 ngan kiraorg hehehhe....

Next aktiviti... g makan... di Johnny's One Utama... sponsored by Saleha yang baru dpt bonus lepas balik berlayar ikut hubby dia...

Then a quick n relaxing but tickelish activity... Spa Fish...

Masing2 menahan geli kaki kena gigit ikan... wawa...
Last but not ending... BBQ at nite... sponsored by Puan Reena... di tepi swimming pool di Reena dCasa...

Ni gambar di Reena dCasa... before we depart to the next aktivity....

So planning utama gathering nie nak g amik gambar comel di Studio... disebabkan gambar xsiap lagi... so stay tune... and wait for the next edition of... GATHERING X-TEKNIK GENG 6 JAHANAM...

Friday, November 14, 2008


i've been tagged by my lovely sis jovai.... so here it goes...

1. Do you think you're hot? mmm.... dunno

2. Upload your fave picture of you

3. Why do you like that picture? hehehe... dunno... i'm just cute

4. When was the last time you ate pizza? wawawa.... nk makan skrg gak...

5. The last song you listen to?

6. What are you doing right now besides this? tgh fikir nk kuar jln2 malam nie...

7. What name you prefer besides yours? ZOELA

People to tag

  • Buddy
  • Ainon
  • Epi
  • Reena
  • You

8. Who is number one? my best bud during army time

9. Number three is having relationship with? her hubby... bucuk

10. Say something about number five? i know you are cute cause reading this

11. How about number four? my best budak during my school time